BLACKFIVE: Omaha: 65 Years

Posted by jr | 9/30/2009 01:51:00 AM | 0 comments ยป

The success of the Omaha landing was in doubt until late in the day. Imagine if the bunkers, such as this one with clear fields of fire and protection from naval gunfire, had been full instead of half (or more in some cases) empty.
[travel] Off to Omaha. United Airlines is playing merry hell with my Mileage Plus account, so this trip has many added bonus irritations. But I'm off. Y'all play nice while I'm gone. Digg;; Facebook; Google Bookmarks; e-mail
Yesterday (Sunday) was the Walk for the Animals held by the NE Humane Society . They raised over $235000 dollars (last I head them announce that's.